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Information for supply staff who work directly for a school/academy/LA on day-to-day assignments. 


Under DfE guidance schools should be paying at 80% average of previous 12/52 weeks for any day-to-day supply workers they had expected to use (this can be based on booking as well as historic patterns).




Schools will continue to receive their budgets for the coming year as usual, regardless of any periods of partial or complete closure. This will ensure that they are able to continue to pay for staff and meet their other regular financial commitments.

Hence, we expect schools to ensure any employees funded by public money continue to be paid in the usual fashion from their existing staff budgets, and correspondingly not furloughed, in line with the HMRC guidance for public sector organisations.


Where schools have live assignments with contingent workers, and where the school is the workers’ employer, schools should continue to pay these workers from their existing school budgets and not furlough them.


Where schools have terminated contracts with contingent workers due to coronavirus (COVID-19) earlier than the original terms set out, and where the school was the workers’ employer under that contract, schools should reinstate these contracts on the terms previously agreed, as long as the contractor is not already accessing alternative support through another government support scheme.


Where schools or local authorities use public funding to employ staff directly but on an ad-hoc basis, for instance staff who work on a zero-hours or casual basis, they may continue to engage these people where they are needed during this period. If these staff continue to be provided with work they should be paid as normal under the terms of their contracts, from existing financial budgets.


Where schools or local authorities had expected to use their public funding to engage such staff and had budgeted for this, but work is no longer needed due to coronavirus (COVID-19), we encourage schools to pay the staffer at 80% of their typical pay, in a similar way to agency workers who were on live assignments when schools began closing or reducing capacity. Schools should calculate the 80% by conducting a retrospective review of the previous 12 weeks (or as many weeks as the contingent worker has been on assignment) to determine the average days or hours worked. This average should be used to underpin the calculation of 80% of gross pay for the employee (up to a £2,500 monthly cap to align treatment of casual direct hire workers with casual agency workers). The total amount payable should be limited to the amount the school or local authority had originally budgeted for such staff from their public funding.



Email your school quoting the above text and DfE link.


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